Register now for "2024 GAP Bike Trip"



The Scout Oath

On my honor I will do my best to do my duty to God and my country and to obey the Scout Law; to help other people at all times; to keep myself physically strong, mentally awake, and morally straight.

The Scout Law

A Scout is trustworthy, loyal, helpful, friendly, courteous, kind, obedient, cheerful, thrifty, brave, clean, and reverent.

The Scout Motto

Be Prepared

Library - New Scouts Forms Training

Information For New Scouts

How to join

List of Troop 255 Eagles Since 1940

Past High Adventures of Troop 255

Reimbursement Form

Register now for

2024 GAP Bike Trip

Oct 19 - Oct 20

How to join Troop 255

Step 1

For each scout that is new to Troop 255, complete a Youth Application Form.

Step 2

Only fill out the parts indicated on the sample form.

Step 3

Return the form to Assistant Scoutmaster Tom Rose or to one of the other scoutmasters at our weekly meetings.

Weekly Meetings

From September to May, Troop 255 holds weekly, Tuesday night meetings in the basement of Chevy Chase United Methodist Church located on Connecticut Ave in Chevy Chase, MD.


Annual dues for joining Troop 255 are $290 for a returning scout or $315 for youth new to BSA, with a special discount for additional siblings, and only $80 for Eagle scouts. Either pay online or write a check made out to "BSA Troop 255". The check can be handed in to one of our scoutmasters or our Troop Treasurer, Todd Rosentover.

Dues cover the BSA registration fee and insurance for the scouts while participating in scout activities. During the year, our troop organizes monthly trips: hiking, biking, climbing, canoeing, and other fun stuff. There will be some additional expenses for these trips, related to transportation costs and other expenses.


Annual dues payment

Either pay online or write a check to "BSA Troop 255" and send it to our treasurer: Todd Rosentover, 3512 Raymond St., Chevy Chase, MD 20815.

Donate to Troop

If you wish to donate money to our troop, please use this Donate button.

Stripe will accept most major credit cards.

Your donation will help support character development, community spirit, leadership skills, and summer adventures of our local youths. Please check out our annual calendar for a sampling of what we do.

Pay Another Amount

Stripe will accept most major credit cards.

If you have questions concerning your balance and/or payments please contact our troop treasurer at treasurer@t255.org