Summer Camp 2025 at Goshen Camp Marriott

Goshen Scout Reservation Camp Marriott - Summer 2025!
Scout Summer Camp is a great opportunity for fun and merit badges. This year, we’ll be going to Goshen Scout Reservation Camp Marriott ( in Virginia on June 22nd - June 28th, 2025. Camp Marriott offers camping for 300 participants and includes an extensive aquatics program including sailing, canoeing, kayaking, rowing, and the ever popular water sports merit badge. Also of note is our ecology area, where there is an ever-changing zoo to showcase the flora and fauna of Goshen. Camp Marriott is located near great hiking trails, and offers Patrol Cooking.
Please register at as soon as possible, with a deposit of $100. Payment in full by check made out to "Friends of Scouts 255" is required by the appropriate deadline.
• Early Discount Price ($30 off) per youth: $605 if paid in full by April 11 2025
• Regular Price Price per youth: $635 if paid in full between April 12 and May 16
• Late Registration Price ($40 more) per youth: $675 if paid in full after May 16
These costs are based on a conservative estimate of 24 Scouts. But if fewer than 24 Scouts register there may be a small surcharge.
Troop 255 is looking for adult volunteers to join some experienced hands at Goshen Scout Reservation Camp Marriott. Adult volunteers can split a week with another adult if that works best. Troop 255 strives to cover the cost of adult volunteers attending Goshen ($300 each paid by the Troop) but may ask for a small surcharge from each adult attending if the number of adults volunteering exceeds the budget.
All Scouts and Leaders must have their BSA Annual Health & Medical Record with NCAC Advisory (see link below) with updated doctor’s signature before going to camp. The Troop 255 Summer Camp Leader will collect all forms prior to departure, but they are not required for registration. Please be sure to list all medical concerns, dietary restrictions, and allergies!
Link to Required Goshen BSA Health Form
Link to Program Guide and Prerequisites
Link to Camp Marriott Summer 2025 Program
Select your Merit Badge classes - once you have paid your deposit, indicate what Merit Badge classes you'd like to take HERE by SUNDAY MARCH 30th - if unsure consult with troop leadership
Contact Scoutmaster Chris GIll if you have any questions.